Thursday, 22 March 2007

Brass Monkey Weather and 48 miles.

The weather has turned really cold again this week, and even the Island hasn't escaped the bitterly cold wind and flurries of snow. So, at 8am yesterday, I would have rather been wrapping up warm and cosy on the settee with the newspapers, a pot of fresh tea, and a couple of rounds of thickly buttered toast and marmalade. Instead I was venturing out on the bike for this week's 'long' ride. That is dedication. It was 3 degrees C, with a very blustery Force 6 wind from the north. At least it wasn't raining.

Last week I froze my nuts off, so today I was determined to try and keep warm.My legs really suffered so I put on thin Musto thermals under my Assoss long-legged trousers. The latter have wind break material in front of the knees and lower abdomen, with thin fleecy material lining the insides but they're not designed for these sort of temperatures. Two thin breathable running shirts on top and my fleecy cheapo cycling jacket from Decathlon in Le Havre. Two pairs of socks and my Specialized Pro BG shoes.I think I need some overshoes. Finally my wooly hat and thin gloves, plus of course the obligatory I-Pod with ear-bud headphones. (No..I don't wear a helmet).

Last week I did a 41 miler so I planned a route for 45 today despite the strong wind. I also took some Allen keys with me so that I could tinker with the saddle position.... fore-and-aft and angle. I think I've got the height sorted. Needless to say, once I started thinking about the saddle angle I had to keep stopping and change it a fraction until after about 90 minutes I was happy.

The ride itself went really well. My legs are definitely stronger and I'm fairly cruising up some of the hills. About two thirds of the way round I hit a bad patch as the wind was absolutely head on and I was hurting all over. My feet were completely numb and freezing. So, I resorted to tough guy mentality and imagined what Lance or Eddy would have done on a day like today. Dig in hard and waste the opposition. A bit of fantasy cycling and I was bursting up some Pyrenean col to the finish line with the peloton eating my dust. Arms outspread I cross the line to pull on the jaune jersey.

Ultimately, I've got to believe that every mile on the saddle is 'money in the bank' and cycling in horrible conditions is all part of the training. I used to wind and kitesurf in all weathers, so at least I'm not actually having to immerse myself in freezing water. In any case,my 11 year old daughter gets up at 5 am three mornings a week to go ice skating in a freezing (literally) cold rink, so if she and her pals can do it, so can I!

Anyway, I turned for home with slight wind assistance and really creamed the final few miles. Head down, watch the shiny crank turning and the mesmeric whirring of the chain and rear cassette. Weezer and Rancid on the playlist.I even put in an extra detour over the downs fron Freshwater Bay to Compton which lifted me over the intended 45 mark.One final hill before freewheeling into my drive.

Total 48 miles at average speed of 16.1 mph. I'm not experienced enough to know if that's any good, but it'll have to do for now.

And now for the best bit.....I staggered into the house and up the stairs like an old man. I ran the hottest bath this century, collapsed in it with copy of Classic Rock and the missus brought me up a nice mug of tea as I soaked for an hour.8 weetabix, two bowls of Grapenuts, 4 more mugs of tea.

Bring it on.

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