Monday, 26 March 2007

Let's take stock so far.

Ok. 3 weeks of training under my belt. 16 to go. where do I stand?

I'm not going to mention my fall and injuries again, except that my leg bloody hurts and I will not do any more dickhead descending. (Well not on my road bike). Steve Peat can relax.

I'm quite pleased with my mileage. My max ride so far is 48 miles, and if I increase that by 5 to 8 miles per week I should theoretically get up to 130-ish. However, it's pretty easy to type that phrase, but it's something else to actually do it. There is the big problem of maintaining enthusiasm and actually making the time to spend a whole working day on a training ride. BUT...the terrifying prospect of the final two Etape climbs after a 100 or so miles in the saddle is the ultimate motivation. I'm a little scared , not of the pain or suffering on the ride, but of having to drop out or get caught by the broom wagon. Not an option.

I've also realised that virtually everyone else is way ahead of me. I've found a couple of excellent blogs, and these guys are so much in front.....And I'm an old git. 47 years old. Nevermind, I'm going to do my best.

I'm pleasantly surprised how much enjoyment I'm experiencing from getting in the saddle, spinning the pedals and just zipping around the Island roads. I love my bike. It's fast, responsive and a pleasure to use. I love it when a bit of kit is beautifully designed and built for a specific purpose.

I don't like the cars and lorries. F****** c**p drivers. I get cyclists' road rage. Why can't they slow down a little instead of squeezing past? Prats. I'm used to being off road, on the trails through the forests or riding on the chalk down paths. 20 years ago I used to commute when I lived in Liverpool, and I was a bit of a grumpy biking renegade. When cars used to cut me up, or brush against me with their wing mirrors, I would chase them down, and slam my fists on their roofs and bend their wing mirrors back. And what about those pillocks who still insist on using their handheld mobiles while they're driving? Grrrrr. I feel better now.

I'm still not confident that my compact crank (50-36) and rear cassette (12-27) are going to give me low enough gearing. There are quite a few steep hills around here, and I'm happy to grind up them at the moment. Trouble is, can I do it with 100 miles under my belt, in the raging heat? Hopefully my legs will get stronger and my technique improve.

More kit needed. I need a helmet, gloves, leg warmers, a gilet, a long sleeve jersey, arm warmers, foot cover things. I'm really suffering with cold feet, although the temperature has gone up by at least 5 degrees today so maybe it'll be Ok from now on. Spare inner tubes, a pump, a bike bag, energy bars and drinks.

My mucker Simon Jackson is going to help me out on the equipment front. He and Steve Atkinson are responsible for me doing this ride. They were in Majorca a couple of weeks ago and clocked up about 6000 hilly miles in a week, average speed 25 mph, or something like that, the bastards.

Right, time for an early night, aiming for 50 miles tomorrow. The missus has loaded my Ipod shuffle with one of her playlists, so it might be purgatory.

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