Tuesday 27 March 2007

Fifty miles today.. my first half century

50 miles today, exactly. Average speed 16.7 mph. I'm pleased.
I enjoyed it, except I was freezing at the start and boiling by the end. I had one really bad patch on a long climb with very rough broken tarmac. My lower back started to really hurt, so I think there is something wrong with my posture. I stopped at the top of the climb to answer my phone (landlord of The Anchor, Cowes, offering us a gig this coming saturday) and I felt Ok when I restarted.
My backside was fine, so maybe I'm getting used to the saddle and I've got it adjusted properly.
My bike is a pleasure to use. It runs silently. Everything works as it should. I haven't fallen off again. I did 'the' roundabout once more at 25 mph, the difference being that it was warm and dry today.
Early night required.


Mark Liversedge said...

congrats on first 50 miler! you're making fast progress - your underlying fitness must be pretty good.

On the posture try neutralising the spine (you're a doctor right so this makes sense?).

Through the pedal stroke pedal FROM THE HIPS, concentrate on pushing over the top and completing the stroke rather than pushing down and pulling up. At least that was how the cyclefit guys advised me and it has worked well. You need to hold your bike position with core muscles rather than leaning on the bars --- check you aren't "slouching" onto the handlebars? Need to be braced, like your about to rugby tackle someone .......

Best wishes,

Peter Close said...

Thanks for the advice. I'm trying to relax on the bike as much as possible.I only just feel that I've got the various adjustments settled and approaching 'correctness'. Remember that i am very old, and i've been mountain biking for a long time so i worry that my pedalling is deeply flawed and ingrained. I used SPD cleats so i do pull up quite a lot. I'll try and do the from the hips thing. Thanks for positive comments about my fitness.

Mark Liversedge said...

Very old!?!??! You're 47 aren't you. Pah.

I got dropped on a *steep* climb a few weeks ago by a 65 yr old ... no joke.

Mind you, aparently he trains everyday and has the time to do it properly... at least thats my excuse.

nmcgann said...

Hi Peter,

47 is not old! (I'm 45) The fastest time trialist in my cycling club is in his 50s.

I suspect your back issues are just a factor of getting really used to a road bike riding position - this can take a while (it took me a couple of years). You may want to try turning the stem over so it slopes up rather than down and see how that feels. Mark is right about supporting your weight with core muscles, if there is significant pressure on your hands/wrists you will have problems on a long ride.


Peter Close said...

Thanks again for advice. 'Very old' was a bit tongue in cheek, but I think it is quite late to take up serious cycling. There is no doubt that I'm a bit inflexible in the lower back, and playing football doesn't help.I'm itching to get out on the bike again and concentarte on my riding posture and pedalling form.. maybe this evening.