Thursday 12 April 2007

If I'm not careful I could start to enjoy this cycling thing!

Today has been a day for rest and recuperation after my big ride yesterday.
The principle of training is that you don't gain anything when you're doing the exercise. It's during the recovery phase that the body responds, regenerating itself, only slightly better, hence you become fitter.
Simplistically, I suppose there are two things happening. The muscles, tendons and ligaments will be improving, getting stronger and more efficient at spinning those pedals. We magically develop 'muscle memory'. The cardiovascular system will also become more highly tuned. The ability of the blood to become oxygenated by the lungs and then deliver that oxygen to the muscles should slowly improve. The heart muscle will become stronger.
I feel like I've come a long way in 4 weeks, and hope that the improvement will continue in a linear fashion. That's unlikely. There is no room for complacency. My plan is to continue to fit in one long ride every week. I can already anticipate that finding time for rides that are going to progressively take 6, 7 or 8 hours-plus is going to be tricky. Getting up at the crack of dawn will become the norm. That won't be a problem. I've been into fishing since I was in my teens, and I've always enjoyed the early starts. Stealing a few hours before everybody else is up and about gives you a great feeling. There's a special quality to the light. The air is crisper. There are less cars about.
My daughter's skating early in the morning, so I'll have to try and get a couple of hours in around midday.

1 comment:

Jacko said...

Hi Pete,
Yes in weather like this as you get stronger the feeling is great!
I raced last night and got a right kicking - but will do better next week!
Should be able to sort the helmet out next week!
Loving the blog!!!!